Dulcie @ 2021 By : Template Sell.

Tag: physical therapy

October is Physical Therapy Month

Image from ChoosePT Physical therapists play a key role in orthotics and prosthetics rehabilitation. As movement experts, PTs are vital to maximizing a person’s function and are key members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team.1 PTs work in concert with Certified Prosthetists Orthotists and Physiatrists to meet our clients’ O&P needs from evaluation/prescription to training & […]

Education Opportunities for the Allied Health Professional

My students ask what I enjoy most about working in/teaching O&P rehabilitation and my resounding answer is always: learning. This is a fascinating field filled with hard-working, education-seeking individuals, compassionate, dedicated clinicians, and evolving technology. Every corner you turn is an opportunity to learn more and grow. To me, this is exhilarating! I can truly […]

Managing Energy Cost

There are many factors that contribute to the high energy cost of prosthetic gait. Less muscle mass, shorter lever arms and changes to the vascular system are a few of the intrinsic factors leading to excessive energy expenditure.1 Compensations to combat this start off small and lead to bigger problems. Overuse, muscle imbalance and postural […]

Proper Posture

Alignment is essential to efficient prosthetic gait. This is true of the TKA line with prosthetic alignment as it is of our own bodies in relation to the ground. In order for our muscles to work effectively, they must be advantageously positioned to work at their full potential. Tight, short muscles do not have effective […]